Gift-card "Standart"

Gift-card "Standart"

Gift coupon for one medium device.

The code covers only the base price of the device without options, the price includes delivery in Russia or a discount on delivery for other countries.

Gift-card "Standart +"

Gift coupon for one medium device.
The code covers only the base price of the device and the specified options:
  1. Gradient of color
  2. Gradient of softness
The price includes delivery in Russia or a discount on delivery for other countries.

Gift-card "Standart All In"

Gift coupon for one medium device.
The code covers only the base price of the device and the specified options:
  1. Gradient of color
  2. Gradient of softness
  3. Glowing shaft (Any option)
  4. Sequins on the shaft
  5. Vac-u-lock
  6. Cum-tube
The price includes delivery in Russia or a discount on delivery for other countries.